Sanitation is an approach aimed at improving the overall health of the , environment. Whether it is individual or collective, Agrosylva brings its expertise and precision to the different actors of the territories with a simple objective: an improvement of the quality of life.
■ Non-collective sanitation zoning :
Agrosylva ncarries out measurements and educational observations within the framework of these studies integrated into the zoning of urban planning. We have acquired an important know-how allowing us to intervene on large territories.
■ Non-collective sanitation inspections :
Existing non-collective sanitation installations must be regularly and systematically inspected in the context of a sale. Agrosylva provides private individuals with such a system with expertise in the design and maintenance of non-collective sanitation.
■ Wastewater treatment plant diagnosis :
Agrosylva has the skills and the necessary hindsight to offer project owners and operators of wastewater treatment plants the keys to understanding the current malfunctions of their equipment in order to increase their lifespan.
■ Rainwater drainage :
Aware of the growing challenges linked to runoff due to global warming and urbanization, Agrosylva is now involved in rainwater drainage, whether autonomous or collective.