Agrosylva strives to valorise biomass in agriculture, and particularly sludge, in strict compliance with the legislation in force. Well done and within the regulatory framework, the agricultural valorization of sludge is the most satisfactory solution.
The excesses of the past, prior to the appearance of the regulatory framework (1998), continue to degrade the image conveyed by sludge, even if it is gradually improving thanks to changes in practices and mentalities. The agricultural recycling of organic matter is for public utility and common sense; it must be carried out in strict compliance with regulations.
Aware of the excesses of the past, Agrosylva wants to provide the maximum amount of information to the project owner and stakeholders in a concern for absolute transparency.
■ Analysis of the fertilising material provided before spreading: agronomic value, metallic trace elements, organic trace compounds
■ Monitoring and management of the worksite using our own resources
■ Analysis of the soil before and after spreading to provide the best possible advice to farmers on additional mineral fertilisation
■ Adaptation of the spreading calendar according to the fertilised crops (seasons, types of crops…) and the type of nitrogen product provided
■ Taking the natural environment into account in studies and worksites: aquatic environment, protected water resources and water quality…
■ Prise en compte des législations concernant les zones naturelles afin de concilier valorisation agronomique locale et préservation de l’environnement (ZNIEFF, zones vulnérables…)
Arrêté du 8 janvier 1998 sur les boues de STEP
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Fiche technique épandage ADEME
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Normes concernant l'assainissement non collectif
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Raisonnement agronomique en PACA
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