The agronomic assessment is a post-spreading study which constitutes a record of the work carried out, and which allows the interest of the work to be detailed in depth. It provides details for the project owner, but also for the farmers regarding the needs of their crops.
■ Summarizes the spreading campaign :
The document characterizes the average dose of biomass spread, the work conditions and provides details on the analysis of organic matter.
■ Highlights the agronomic contributions :
The fertilizing materials, namely nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium are calculated and adapted to the local crops. Trace metal elements and organic trace compounds are also studied in strict compliance with the law.
■ Fertilizing advice for farmers :
After spreading, a soil analysis is carried out to determine the fertilizing contribution of the spread biomass. Advices of fertilization are then brought then not to over-fertilize the cultures, or on the contrary to bring a complement in manuring.